caption contest, firefighters watching fire tornado

It’s even hotter than normal for August here in central Arkansas (as the last post so deftly explains), so I thought this week’s caption contest could have something to do with extreme heat.   I chose a picture of firefighters watching a fire tornado.  You get to write a caption explaining how this happened, or what the people are thinking, or what the cameraman is looking at instead of the fire tornado, or make up a story that’s somehow related to what’s happening in the photo.  Use your imagination…  see if you can surprise me…  🙂

(To see our other caption contests, click on the “Say What?” category in the sidebar.)

caption contest, girl looking suspicious by house fire

Greetings, all!   It’s time for another caption contest!  This week’s photo features a little girl looking suspicious near a house fire.   You get to explain the context behind this.  Remember, it can be from any perspective — the girl, her parents, the firefighters, the neighbors, etc.   Just make it funny.  And of course, keep it clean.

child looking suspicious by house fire

(To see the other caption contests, click on the “Say What?” category in the sidebar.)

(To anyone randomly finding this who is prone to get offended over everything, keep in mind that this is all joking around, having fun, so there’s no need to get offended or distraught over the humor.  If you can’t handle the humor, go read about politics or something.)

caption contest, burning house behind firefighters

It’s Monday, so you know what that means — another caption contest.  You know how this works, but for any first-time visitors, here’s the low-down.  You (and I mean you) look at the picture below and think of a funny caption for it.  The caption can be what someone in the picture is saying, or it can be in the form of commentary like from an announcer overlooking the situation, or you can even create some type of parallel with the real-world.  The idea is for the caption to be funny.


(To see the other caption contests, click on the “Say What?” category in the sidebar.)