caption contest: car wreck – how did this happen

We haven’t had a caption contest recently, so let’s get that restarted.  It’s real simple to play — think of something funny / humorous to go with this picture.  The only rule is to keep it clean.  And regardless of whether you have anything to contribute, you can enjoy the comments other people leave, too.

car between buildings

Let me also add that comments usually pour in over the next week, so this is the type of post that it’s good to check back on.  You can also subscribe to the comments (whether for just this post or all comments) if you would rather be notified that way.

(To see our other caption contests, click on the “Say What?” category in the sidebar.)

caption contest, car in pool

Welcome to another caption contest!  This week’s photo features a van in a swimming pool.  There’s some people standing around, probably trying to figure out what happened.  Since we can’t hear them, you get to put words in their mouth.  Feel free to invent whatever kind of story you want to.  There’s a lot of potential with this one, so have fun with it.

(To see our other caption contests, click on the “Say What?” category in the sidebar.)

caption contest, car attacked by birds

Last week’s caption contest dealt with a serious topic — the oil spill.  Since we can’t have too much seriousness here on this blog, this week’s caption contest will use a photo that leads to easy jokes and easy humor — a car windshield covered in bird poop, and the car’s owner looking quite distraught.  So write a caption explaining what’s going on here or what the woman is thinking or what her friends are thinking, or make up something totally different.  Just keep it clean and funny.

(To see our other caption contests, click on the “Say What?” category in the sidebar.)

caption contest, car covered with flowers

At the monthly Buffet o’ Blog pizza-devouring staff meeting today, the topic came up of Mango-Man’s love of flowers.  After all, it is spring, and as the saying goes, “April showers bring May flowers.”   So now flowers are coming into bloom, and thus Mango-Man should be happy, and it’s a new season for making fun of him for it.  🙂  Since this has been a recurring theme of late, I figured this week’s caption contest could follow that theme.  If you are a new reader here and aren’t familiar with this recurring joke, you can catch up on the fun at the original post: a man who likes flowers.

So here’s a picture of a car covered with flowers.  You get to write a caption explaining this picture.  Remember that you can write from anyone’s point-of-view, even if they’re not in the picture.  Be creative with it, and have fun.

(To see our other caption contests, click on the “Say What?” category in the sidebar.)

If you particularly enjoyed this post with the ensuing comments and/or the original post about the man who likes flowers, there was a caption contest along these same lines a few years ago, with a man in a flower garden.